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210 photos

The raw power of the great white shark in black and whiteIsla Guadalupe white shark in black and whiteA white shark near Stewart Island, New Zealand in black and whiteA white shark swims past a reef wall off North Neptune Island, South Australia in black and whiteNeptune Islands white shark in black and whiteWhite shark attacks the camera in black and whiteA white shark swims along the bottom in Action Bay at the Neptune Islands, Australia in black and whiteIsla Guadalupe white shark in black and whiteA white shark off Stewart Island, New Zealand in black and whiteA white shark swims above the reef off the North Neptune Islands, South Australia in black and whiteIsla Guadalupe white shark in black and whiteIsla Guadalupe white shark in black and whiteA gaping white shark at Stewart Island, New Zealand, in black and whiteA white shark ascends through the sun rays off Stewart Island, New Zealand in black and whiteA white shark swims above the reef off the North Neptune Islands, South Australia in black and whiteNeptune Islands white shark in black and whiteA salmon shark rising from the cold depths of Prince William Sound, Alaska in black and whiteSeal Island white shark in black and whiteA white shark swims above the reef off the North Neptune Islands, South Australia in black and whiteA mako shark in the pelagic water beyond Cape Point, South Africa in black and white